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Thesis and Graduation

Once students have passed all exams and activities in their Study plan and acquired at least 102 credits, they are allowed to take the final exam which is the oral discussion in English of their Thesis. The Thesis should be original in character and represents a first step towards academic work.

The Thesis takes alternatively the form of a Monographic Dissertation (dissertazione a carattere monografico) or a Final Paper (elaborato conclusivo).

  1. Monographic Dissertation. Such a thesis is an in-depth research project concerning topics of interest to scholars, jurisprudence or legislative bodies. The candidate is required to discuss critical issues and to designate a systematic overview characterised by some degree of originality. The length of the Monographic Dissertation must be between 40.000 and 60.000 words and the candidate is required to submit the title at least 6 months before the final oral exam.
  2. Final Paper: such a thesis consists of an analysis of an argument. The candidate is required to critically argue normative sources, scholars’ opinions, and relevant case-law. The length of the Final Paper is between 25.000 and 40.000 words and the candidate is required to submit the title at least 3 months before the final oral exam.

The Thesis must be prepared under the guidance of a Supervisor. The final evaluation of the student's career is based upon the evaluations in previous training activities, the final examination grade, as well as any other relevant element.
European Legal Studies students who are interested in doing their final Thesis with a Visiting Professor MUST have, as first Supervisor, the Professor from the University of Turin in charge of the course. The Visiting Professor can supervise the Thesis as co-rapporteur.

To submit the Thesis title, students must fill out the Thesis title form (Italian page) prepared by the Department of Law, have their Supervisor sign it and keep it with care, as the document must be uploaded during the graduation application procedure.
In case a change in the Thesis title is agreed upon with the Supervisor, it’s mandatory to fill out the Thesis title form again and have the Supervisor sign it.
In case a change of the Thesis form occurs, candidates must submit a second form to their Supervisor (see at the previous link, “Cambiamento di tipologia di prova finale”) and both the documents, Thesis title form and Cambiamento Tipologia Prova Finale, must be uploaded during the online graduation application procedure. In case of change from Final Paper to Monographic Dissertation, the Thesis title must be submitted within the time limit set for the Monographic Dissertation.

The final exam is completed by means of an oral presentation held in English. Such a presentation is held before the Commission, which is made up of 5 Professors:

  1. The presentation of the Monographic Dissertation provides for a discussion between the candidate, his/her own Supervisor and another Professor with the view of highlighting the main aspects of the Thesis. As soon as the candidate knows the Commission’s members, and at least one week before the final oral exam, the candidate is required to send a PDF copy of his/her Thesis.
  2. The presentation of the Final Paper provides for an individual exposition of the Thesis and some questions posed by the Commission’s members.

The Commission’s evaluation is calculated out of 110 and the minimum grade to pass is 66/110. Once the President has consulted with the Commission, he/she declares whether the candidate is an official graduate of the University. For a detailed explanation of the grade calculation see Calculating the average below.

Frontespizio tesi

The online graduation application form must be submitted between the 1st and 10th of the month preceding the graduation date (for the September session: between 1 and 10 July). If the 10th day is a Saturday, a Sunday or a Holiday, it’s possible to apply within the first following working day.
Please take note: if students withdraw their graduation, the graduation application must be submitted again for the month in which they re- schedule their graduation.

Once logged onto their MyUniTO profile, candidates must fill in the online graduation application form following the session calendar.

Regarding the thesis title form: to complete the graduation application process, students must upload the Thesis title form prepared by the Department of Law, signed by their supervisor (instead of the one available on the online procedure).

See the complete instructions at this link how to apply

  1. Log onto the MyUniTO platform.
  2. Before starting the procedure, please verify your personal data under the tab Iscrizioni - Dati Anagrafici. This information will be printed on the degree certificate. In case the label Stato is red, you are required to modify your documents because they are out of date.
  3. After verifying this information, you are allowed to start the procedure to submit the graduation application form. Under the tab Prova Finale in your MyUnito account, open Domanda conseguimento and Procedi con la presentazione domanda conseguimento titolo.
  4. Fill out all the required information.
  5. Proceed with Conseguimento Titolo.
  6. Enter the information concerning your Thesis.
  7. Please, verify all of the information you have entered. Then, click on Conferma e Completa Domanda Conseguimento Titolo.
  8. You can modify the information entered by clicking on Modifica Domanda.
  9. Print out the graduation application form in PDF format by clicking on Stampa Domanda.
  10. Pay the graduation Fee under the label Tasse on your MyUnTto and print out the payment receipt.
  11. Upload the required documents* at Domanda conseguimento Titolo - Inserisci allegati domanda conseguimento Titolo - Modulistica per la presentazione domanda conseguimento Titolo.

Please pay attention
To successfully complete the procedure, students must:

  • print the graduation application receipt in PDF format;
  • register on AlmaLaurea and print the receipt in PDF format;
  • pay the graduation fee;
  • upload all the required documents* within the deadline for submitting the graduation application.

*The documents required are:

  • graduation application receipt;
  • thesis title form signed by the Supervisor;
  • almaLaurea receipt.

It is no longer required to deliver a printed copy of the thesis to the Department of Law. The thesis must be exclusively uploaded online.

You should submit your thesis via the University’s Online thesis service and it is recommended you read the procedure guidelines carefully. An abstract of the thesis will be published in the public archive of the Online Thesis service.

How to do it

To upload your dissertation’s file, and possible attached, a simple internet access with ADSL connection is needed or you can use internet points available in UniTO. The steps to follow to submit your thesis are provided hereafter:

  1. Login to the service with your credentials (username and password already used to access to MyUnito and institutional email address;
  2. After login select the item “Servizio tesi online”;
  3. Read carefully the “Informativa su privacy e diritto d’autore” (i.e. Privacy and copyright policy, only in Italian), click on button “Confermo e accetto”; go on selecting the item “Prosegui”;
  4. Fill in the required fields;
  5. Upload your dissertation's file and possible attached;
  6. Print and keep the receipt attesting that your dissertation has been submitted.
  7. Be aware that the entire procedure needs to be done without interruption.


Dissertation’s file needs to be uploaded in pdf format and the size can’t exceed 300 MB.

The Thesis online service only allows for changes before the due date. Uploaded theses CANNOT be replaced or edited afterwards.


  • Students cannot make changes to their file once it has been uploaded;
  • Students can ask the Thesis online services to intervene to make changes to the file, but only before the due date;
  • No edits are allowed after the due date.

Once you have submitted your thesis, you must print the receipt of the upload and send it to the Segreteria Studenti via Service desk by the end of the month preceding the graduation date (item to be selected: "Domanda di laurea").

For more information:

Should you decide to defer your graduation, you must notify your intent to the Students Registry Office by submitting a ticket through the Help Desk Service Polo CLE with the subject: “Domanda di Laurea”.
It is also necessary to cancel your graduation application from your MyUniTo profile at least 10 days before the graduation session starts.

Calendar (only in Italian)

Master’s Degree students should find a professor as supervisor at least 6 months before the graduation date.

Once the deadline for submitting the graduation application has passed, a list of those who submitted the form before the due date will be published. Students who are not on this list, should contact the Student Office or their Teaching Desk office.

Just before graduation, information (date, time and place) concerning your particular session will be published.

Lists of candidates and graduation calendar

The Students Registry Office submits the calculation of students’ average to the Examining Board. It is the weighted average of the exams taken, i.e. the sum of each exam mark and the number of credits it is worth, divided by the total number of credits.

The average is calculated using this formula:

(mark x credits) + (mark x credits) + (mark x credits)
sum of credits with mark

For example:

(30 x 9) + (27 x 6) + (23 x 9) = 26.625

In order to obtain the average out of 110, do the following calculation:

average (out of 30) : 30 = average (out of 110) : 110
of which:
average out of 110 = average (out of 30) x 110

from the previous example:

average out of 110 = 26.625x110
average = 97.625

Each honor (cum laude) has an additional value of 0,2 points to be added to the starting average out of 110.


  • The average calculated by the Students Registry Office software can vary when rounding up compared to the student’s calculation;
  • The weighted average is available online by logging onto your MyUniTO profile.

  1. Students with severe health problems
    The University of Turin, after the resolution of the Academic Senate number 8/2023/IV/3 of 26th April 2023, has established the possibility to request a remote graduation exam, for the a.y. 2022-2023 and for the following years until new dispositions will be fixed, to students with severe health problems, lasting or permanent, which make extremely difficult or impossible the attendance at the University and that are certified by a general practitioner or by a specialized doctor operating with the SSN - Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (National Health Service) or equivalent for foreign students.
    Such possibility will be granted only by following the specific procedure described by the Academic Senate in the mentioned resolution number 8/2023/IV/3 and available at this link (see "Remote exams")
    In order to take the graduation exam online, students must inform, at least 15 days before the date of the exam, the Didactic Office (Ufficio Lauree Polo CLE:

  2. Remote graduation exam for international students due to the impossibility of returning to Italy
    The University of Turin, after the resolution of the Academic Senate number 3/2023/IV/15 of 19th December 2023, has established the possibility to request remote graduation exams for international students, non-EU citizens residing abroad and visa applicants, who have temporarily returned to their countries of origin and are subsequently unable to return to Italy, due to the denial of an entry visa or to objective difficulties and limitations on international travel caused by serious war crises in which the countries of origin are involved.
    The request to take the degree exam online must be sent to the relevant Didactic office (Ufficio Lauree Polo CLE: with at least 15 days' notice, providing information and any documentation confirming the impossibility of returning to Italy.
    The evaluation of the requests, after appropriate checks with the Internationalization offices, will be submitted to the President of the Study program for approval.

Last update: 24/04/2024 13:47
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