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Erasmus and international mobility

The Erasmus student mobility programme is for higher education students looking to spend a three to twelve month period studying in higher education in a foreign country which has signed an Erasmus+ programme bilateral agreement with the sending college or university.

The Erasmus student receives ad hoc EU funding, can attend courses and use the facilities available at the hosting college or university without further enrolment fees. This time spent studying abroad is guaranteed recognition via ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). Specific assistance is also available for special needs Erasmus students.
If you are interested in taking part in the Erasmus student mobility programme, you should submit your application during the yearly application process.

Other international mobility opportunities are available in Italian on the Law Department page or students can contact the International CLE office.

Students can apply for the Erasmus+ mobility programme once a year during the first semester. Each Department will indicate:

  • destinations;
  • subject area covered by agreement (ISCED);
  • number of places available;
  • length of stay (from three to twelve months);
  • support teachers during exchange.

Application forms (in Italian)

Consult the current programme (in Italian)

Students who have won Erasmus funding can have their language skills tested at the University Language Centre (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo).

The tests will be in:

  • May (students leaving in the first semester);
  • September (students leaving in the second semester).

Find out more (in Italian)

Names and contact details of students who have won Erasmus funding for each destination (nomination) will be sent to the Mobility and International Studies Section.

Procedure for outgoing Unito students (in Italian)

Students with Eramus funding should apply online or fill in an application form which they will find on their host university website.

Students must fill in their Learning Agreement before leaving for their destination abroad indicating the courses they would like to do. The choice of courses will be based on their relevance to the corresponding Italian exams which the student will need recognition for.

There are three parts to the Learning Agreement:

Before Leaving: the Course Studies Co-ordinator has to sign the learning agreement at least two weeks before the student leaves. The student is then authorised to take the exams indicated in the document once studying at the host university.  Individual teachers do not need to give their approval.

During the stay: should the student need to change the Learning Agreement, he/she should fill out the “During the stay” section and ask the Italian teacher and host university reference for approval.  The student must select “deleted” or “added” for each exam added to this section.  The “During the stay” section must always be accompanied by the “Before Leaving” section.

After the stay: this section is not normally necessary once the partner university has sent the Transcript of records.

A maximum of 60 credits can be recognised for exam purposes on the Learning Agreement for those students spending an entire year abroad and 30 credits for those staying one semester. Additional credits can be replaced although they must be credits that do not carry marks for other activities(TAF F).

Credits (1 ECTS = 1 credit) are calculated on all exams that are taken abroad (30 ECTS taken abroad equate to circa 30 credits on the student’s Italian study plan), with the possibility of compensating between exams.  These values are not necessarily applied on individual exams, but on the overall result.

The Law Department allows students with Erasmus+ funding to take mandatory exams early (ie from the following year) as they would they would be abroad during the period in which they should normally be take. These students can also take subjects and exams abroad from future years if they are similar under the Erasmus+ Programme.

Here are the Law Department rules regarding this condition:

  • Foundation level subjects: can be taken abroad if the course is the same, subjects which are from scientific-disciplinary sectors IUS 02 (Comparative legal systems), IUS 13 (International Law), IUS 14 (EU Law), IUS 20 (Philosophyof Law)
  • Related subjects (from all syllabus): worth 6 or 12 creditscan be taken abroad which are in economic(SECS-P) or sociological(SPS) and scientific-disciplinary-legal sectors: IUS 01, IUS 02, IUS 04, IUS 07, IUS 08, IUS 10, IUS 11, IUS 12, IUS 13, IUS 14, IUS 15, IUS 16, IUS 17, IUS 18, IUS 19, IUS 20, IUS 21.
  • Optional subjects (TAF D): can be taken abroad even when not having a strictly equivalent course worth 6 or 12 credits based on the student’s choice.
  • Other activities (TAF F): language credits,seminarsand other activities.

All student winners of Erasmus+ study funding must:

  • do the Online Language Support (OLS) self-test before leaving, after which they can attend the programme’s free online language courses. These courses start with an assessment of the student’s knowledge of the language spoken in the destination country and that of the language used in the teaching. It is an interactive and personalised language course based on the results of the student’s self-test.
  • do the final test when they come back from their Erasmus period which will demonstrate the level they have reached and progress they have made.

    The course and self-test are compulsory. The Mobility and International Studies Section will supply students with username and login to access the test and course. Go to more information.

Students must close all administrative aspects concerning their period abroad and start the procedure of having their activities abroad recognised within 20 days of the end of their Erasmus+period and in accordance with the Mobility and International Studies Section.

Once the Mobility and International Studies Section has received all the final documentation and closed the student’s Erasmus+ experience, it will hand over the procedure to CLE Polo International Services Office that will start the recognition of credits awarded abroad.

Go to UNITO portal’s dedicated page

Department’s international mobility co-ordinator

They have the role of organising and coordinating all the Department’s international activities and managing applications issued by the School of Legal, Political and Economic-Social Sciences.

Anna Mastromarino


Mobilitystudy co-ordinators

They have the role of study co-ordinators who approve the studies outlined in the learning agreement and authorise the award of credits.

Lorenza Mola - LM-90 European Legal Studies

CLE Polo International Services Office

This office supports both incoming and outgoing teachers and students during their period abroad as well as negotiating study and academic partnership agreements with foreign Universities and designing and coordinating international projects.


Tel: +39 011 670 4179 – 4178 - 4126 – 3108

Erasmus Tutor

Erasmus Tutor is an information desk where students can find out how to take part in the project. Students can contact the Tutor about: 

  • the application; 
  • how to submit their application; 
  • choice of convertible subjects; 
  • help in preparing the necessary documents before leaving.


Tel: +39 011 670 9436

Visit the School of Legal, Political and Economic-Social Sciences website page to find out when they are open to students.

Mobility and International Studies Section

The Mobility and International Studies Section ( ) is responsible for administrative issues and releasing mobility funding.

Tel: (+39) 011 6704425


Last update: 19/07/2019 15:37
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